Fig. A.4.
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Same as Fig. 1 but for the J = 202 − 101 transition of HNCO (isocyanic acid) and its isotopologues HN13CO, H15NCO, and DCNO (upper and second raw panels). The upper panel also shows a zoom to the data to exhibit the hyperfine lines of HN13CO. The scale of the zoom is indicated in blue on the right-Y axis. The third row shows the J = 2 − 1 line of HCNO (the J = 4 − 3 is shown in Fig. A.2) and the J = 202 − 101 line of HOCN (cyanic acid). Finally, the bottom panels show two hyperfine components of the J = 7/2 − 5/2 line of NCO in its 2Π3/2 ground state. The lambda-type doubling components, e and f, are indicated. The derived line parameters are given in Table A.2. The hyperfine structure was considered in the modelling of the lines (shown by the red lines).
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