Fig. 1
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Continuum maps (odd rows, black-yellow) and moment 0 maps of the methanol line at 258.78 GHz (193,17–192,18) with Eup = 490 K (even rows, blue-red) for the 14 high-mass CoCCoA sources. The white contours indicate the continuum emission at the 3, 5, 10, 30, 50, and 100σ level (σ = 0.03 mJy beam−1). The peak pixels from where the spectra were extracted are marked by crosses in light green. The sources are sorted by peak flux of methanol emission. The beam size (0.33″) is denoted by white ellipses in the lower right of each panel. The field of view for NGC 6334 I(N)-SM2 and G35.20-0.74 N is set to be twice as large as that of others in order to include more emission peaks.
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