Open Access

Table 1

Instrumental set-ups used by the analysis working groups within GES.

Instrument Setup λmin (Å) λmax (Å) Rold R WG
UVES 520 4140 6210 47000 47 000 11,12,13,14
UVES 580 4760 6840 47000 47 000 11,12,13,14
GIRAFFE HR3 4033 4201 24800 31 400 13,14
GIRAFFE HR4 4188 4392 32500 35 550 13,14
GIRAFFE HR5A 4340 4587 18 470 20250 13,14
GIRAFFE HR6 4538 4759 20350 24300 13,14
GIRAFFE HR9B 5143 5356 25 900 31 750 10,13,14
GIRAFFE HR10 5339 5619 19 800 21 500 10,12,14
GIRAFFE HR14A 6308 6701 17 740 18 000 13,14
GIRAFFE HR15N 6470 6790 17 000 19 200 10,12,14
GIRAFFE HR21 8484 9001 16 200 18 000 10,12,14

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