Table 5
Comparison with GAMA.
ID KIDS | σ (km s−1) XSH | σ (km s−1) GAMA | ∆σXSH−GAMA (km s−1) |
J1142+0012 | 130±4 | 155±12 | 25±16 |
J0909+0147 | 403±7 | 381±17 | −22±24 |
J1411+0233 | 219±3 | 207±17 | −13±20 |
J1436+0007 | 194±4 | 186±11 | −8±15 |
J1156−0023 | 168±5 | 175±35 | 8±40 |
J0920+0126 | 186±5 | 175±18 | −12±22 |
J0844+0148 | 229±9 | 185±49 | −44±58 |
J0904−0018 | 200±7 | 169±29 | −31±36 |
J1154−0016 | 166±5 | 195±38 | 29±43 |
J2257−3306 | 180±6 | 168±23 | −12±29 |
Notes. Systems are ordered from highest to lowest S/N. The last column shows the difference between the measurements obtained from the two spectra, using a similar wavelength range and the same ADEGREE and MOMENT parameters. The uncertainty on the ∆σ is assumed to be the sum of the two single uncertainties on the σ.
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