Fig. 4

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Comparison of the observed images of comet C/2014 B1 (Schwartz) and modeled jets. Panels a and b display the images of the comet taken on 2017 January 23 and on 2017 January 31, respectively, and modeled jets (colored dots): J1 is shown by red circles, and J2 by blue circles. Panel c shows a geometric reconstruction of the viewing conditions of the nucleus which shows how the rotational axis would be seen from the Earth in 2017 January and the location of the north pole PN; the blue circle on the model shows the active area (Source 1) located in the northern hemisphere at the cometocentric latitude +75°, and the red circle is the active area (Source 2) in the southern hemisphere at the latitude −80°. Panels d, e, and f show model jets calculated for images of the comet derived by Jewitt et al. (2019) on 2014 February 26, 2016 December 12, and 2018 April 18, respectively. The arrows point in the directions of the Sun (⊙), north (N), east (E), and the negative projected heliocentric velocity vector of the comet (−V). The negative distance is in the solar direction, and the positive distance is in the anti-solar direction.
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