Fig. 2.
Simulations of observed magnetic field components in the FR frame and |B| versus time (in hour) for synthetic expanding (panels a,b) circular and (panel c) elliptical linear force-free FR with positive magnetic helicity. The impact parameter is defined by p = y/b0 where b0 is the FR half-size in the direction orthogonal to the simulated FR crossing. The FR boundaries are set at Bz = 0. The results with three values of the normalized expansion factor, ζ, are shown with different colors. A value of ζ ≈ 1 is typical according with observations (as deduced from the observed Vx, GSE(t) in MCs from 0.3 to 5 AU). The mean observed case, b0 = 0.1 AU is shown. The other parameters, B0 = 1 at t = 0 and Vc = 400 km s−1 are only scaling the axis.
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