Fig. C.6
Rapo − Rperi space for the 1 × (1:10) simulation and for one of the solar vicinity volumes studied in this paper. From left to right: all stars, in-situ stars and accreted stars in the volume are shown, respectively. First row: the whole extent of the Rapo − Rperi space is shown, colors code the stellar density on a logarithmic scale, as indicated by the color bar. Second row: zoom on a region with 0 ≤ Rperi ≤ 8 kpc and 0 ≤ Rapo ≤ 15 kpc. The solid and dashed diagonal lines show, respectively, the line of constant eccentricity e = 0.5 and e = 0.3, corresponding to the region where possible accreted streams have been found in observational data of stars at the solar vicinity (see Helmi et al. 2006). Colors code the stellar density, on a logarithmic scale, as indicated by the color bar. Third row: same as the second row, but this time the colors code Lz, the z −component of the angular momentum. Fourth row: same as the second row, but this time the colors code the total velocity of the stars, in the LSR reference frame.
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