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Table 2

Results from the frequency analysis of HD 261711 using MOST and CoRoT data.

Data set F Frequency amp1 S/N1 sig1 amp2 S/N2 sig2 amp2 – amp1 lin. combi.
# [d-1] [μHz] [mmag] [mmag] [mmag]

MOST F1 61.498(2) 711.78(2) 14.817 18.6 127.9 14.525 20.3 144.9 −0.292
F2 58.027(3) 671.60(4) 10.400 9.8 68.6 9.335 11.5 62.9 −1.065

CoRoT F1 61.4976(2) 711.778(3) 7.392 535.9 6618.6 8.103 24.0 11786.7 0.711
F2 58.0272(2) 671.611(3) 4.850 319.6 7391.6 5.230 63.8 12512.9 0.380
F3 61.4401(5) 711.112(6) 1.298 94.1 1661.9 1.435 83.0 2457.7 0.137
F4 58.5821(6) 678.034(7) 0.988 67.1 1311.8 1.103 19.3 1774.1 0.115
F5 58.0553(8) 671.937(9) 1.027 66.7 1459.3 0.966 30.8 1126.7 −0.061
F6 55.4566(7) 641.858(8) 0.937 56.5 1330.7 0.928 19.1 1441.3 −0.009
F7 55.0608(7) 637.278(9) 0.710 42.9 928.6 0.866 33.1 1191.9 0.156
F8 58.429(1) 676.26(1) 0.599 39.7 740.1 0.589 42.9 644.4 −0.010
F9 48.982(1) 566.92(1) 0.401 32.4 356.8 0.506 60.3 505.9 0.105
F10 55.366(2) 640.81(2) 0.348 21.1 286.2 0.334 20.8 220.6 −0.014 F3+F9-F7
F11 51.217(4) 592.79(5) 0.135 10.2 50.8 0.134 9.7 35.8 −0.001
F12 54.742(4) 633.58(5) 0.164 10.3 82.3 0.130 11.1 37.9 −0.034 F11+F4-F7
F13 53.131(5) 614.94(6) 0.100 6.7 29.1 0.119 9.1 28.5 0.019
F14 61.281(5) 709.27(6) 0.052 3.7 16.3 0.112 8.5 25.3 0.060
F15 52.057(5) 602.51(6) 0.149 10.4 65.3 0.110 8.3 24.4 −0.039
F16 52.374(5) 606.18(6) 0.177 12.9 83.9 0.109 10.2 25.3 −0.068
F17 55.891(6) 646.89(7) 0.096 5.9 24.8 0.092 8.8 16.5 −0.004
F18 58.231(6) 673.97(7) 0.091 5.9 29.9 0.090 7.4 16.6 −0.001
F19 54.808(6) 634.35(7) 0.089 5.6 19.0 0.088 8.5 15.9 −0.001
F20 45.739(7) 529.39(8) 0.063 4.8 10.9 0.079 8.8 13.5 0.016
F21 61.463(7) 711.38(9) 0.113 8.2 8.4 0.077 6.8 11.8 −0.036 F3+F5-F2
F22 64.764(8) 749.6(1) 0.100 7.9 27.3 0.066 6.5 9.5 −0.034
F23 83.84(1) 970.3(1) 0.066 4.4 8.6 0.056 6.6 6.6 −0.010
F24 61.34(1) 709.9(1) 0.063 4.6 8.1 0.046 4.4 6.4 −0.017 F1+F14-F3
F25 57.971(8) 670.96(9) 0.050 3.3 9.7 0.045 4.0 10.2 −0.005

Notes.Pulsation frequencies, amplitudes, signal-to-noise values and SigSpec significances identified from the MOST data sets from 2006 (amp1, S/N1, sig1) and 2011/12 (amp2, S/N2, sig2) and the CoRoT data sets from 2008 (amp1, S/N1, sig1) and 2011/12 (amp2, S/N2, sig2) as well as the the corresponding amplitude differences (amp2 – amp1). The respective last-digit errors of the frequencies computed according to Kallinger et al. (2008) are given in parentheses. Possible linear combinations are given in the last column (lin. combi).

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