Figure 1: a) ( Left) MIPS 24 m grey-scale image of the Mol160/IRAS 23385+6053 field, with superimposed the contours of the 70 m emission; the letters mark the identified sources. b) ( Right) 2.2 m image of the same region, at approximately the same scale; solid countours represent the 24 m continuum emission, while the dashed contours show the 3.6 cm thermal free-free emission. | |
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Figure 2: Full IRS spectrum ( top panel) extracted using CUBISM at the position of the central millimeter core (source A). The bottom panel is an enlargement where this time the SH module spectrum is resampled at the resolution of the SL module; its rescaling by a factor of 4.2 brings it to an almost perfect overlap with the SL spectrum, and joins very well with the LH spectrum at longer wavelength. | |
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Figure 3: The six identified lines in the entire spectrum at the position of source A, as extracted from the spectrum in Fig. 2; the various lines are identified in each panel. | |
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Figure 4: Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) for the central core of Mol160/IRAS 23385+6053. The diamonds are the IRAS fluxes, the squares are the MIPS fluxes and the asterisks represent the ensemble of measurements from ISOCAM (upper limits since there is no detection below 24 m), SCUBA and OVRO; the dashed line is a greybody fit to the above data set using the IRAS 60 and 100 m fluxes (as in Molinari et al. 1998b). The full line is a greybody fit to the SED using the MIPS data instead of the IRAS ones. | |
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Figure 5: diagram from Molinari et al. (2008); full circles are IR-P sources, empty circles are MM-P sources and plusses are for IR-S sources. Dotted full lines and diamond dashed lines are evolutionary models; the two squares connected by the vertical dotted line represent the extent of the shift of source A due to the new luminosity estimate. The full and dashed diagonal lines represent a linear fit to the position of the IR-P and MM-P sources, respectively. | |
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Figure 6: Grey-scale maps (intensity increases from white to black) of continuum-subtracted integrated line intensities superimposed on the contours of the 24 m continuum emission. The various panels show, from left to right and from top to bottom: the PAH 11.3 m feature, H2 S(2), H2 S(1), [Fe II]26 m, H2 S(0), and [Si II]34.8 m. The map for the [Ne II]12.8 m line is not reported but the emission distribution is virtually identical to the H2 S(1) and S(2) lines. | |
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Figure 7: SEDs for the various sources where a fit with a model of an embedded ZAMS star could be found. | |
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