Figure 1: The observed spectra of the clouds in the main beam brightness temperature scale. The higher transitions CO spectra are convolved to the CO(1-0) beam size of and the CS (3-2) spectra are scaled by 0.7 to "mimic'' the beam response of the CS (2-1) line. | |
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Figure 2: RADEX solutions for SMC-B1#1 ( left) and Lirs 36 ( right). The upper panels show the contours on a logarithmic scale in steps of 0.2 (SMC-B1#1) and 0.1 (Lirs 36). The last contour is 0.7 ( = 5) for SMC-B1#1 and 1.3 ( = 20; twice the minimum value) for Lirs 36. The middle panels show CO column density contours in steps of 0.1. The leftmost contours correspond to the smaller values. The lower panel gives the contours of the surface filling factor in % where contour levels increase from the upper right corner. The dashed contours are in a step of 1, while the full lines are with a step of 10; the ranges are indicated above the panels. In the two lower panels the contours restricting the range of solutions are overlayed. These solutions are for and cm-3 (SMC-B1#1), and [12CO/13CO] = 100 and cm-3 (Lirs 36). is in units of [cm-2], in [km s-1] and in [K]. | |
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Figure 3: SMC-B1#1: minimum solutions as a function of the [12CO/13CO] ratio at different hydrogen densities cm-3 (black solid), 103.5 cm-3 (dash), 104 cm-3 (dot), 104.5 cm-3 (dash-dot) and 105 cm-3 (grey solid with a square at the highest ratio). is in units of cm-2. | |
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Figure 4: Lirs 36: minimum solutions as a function of the [12CO/13CO] ratio at different hydrogen densities. The densities legend and the units as in Fig. 3. | |
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Figure 5: Lirs 49 c2: minimum solutions as a function of the [12CO/13CO] ratio at different hydrogen densities. The densities legend and the units as in Fig. 3. | |
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Figure 6: Average plots from SMC-B1#1 simulations of different combinations of ratios and densities. Each plot is the result of 50 simulations of different noise contributions generated randomly with statistics in accordance with the estimated observational errors. Input data are: a) model: [ , cm-3, K and 1016 cm-2; b) model: [ , cm-3, K and cm-2; c) model: [ , cm-3, K and 1017 cm-2. The densities legend is given in the Fig. 3 caption. | |
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Figure 7: 2-component model of Lirs 36: minimum solutions as a function of the 12CO/13CO ratio at different densities. The model parameters are: the isotope ratio [12CO/13CO] = 100, K, K, cm-3, cm-3, and 1017 cm-2 and 1015 cm-2. The densities legend is given in the Fig. 3 caption. | |
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