Table 1: Average positions of the different absorption components. For comparison, the positions of images A and B, as fixed in our continuum source model, are indicated. Offsets are given relatively to the barycenter of the continuum emission.

$V_{\rm HEL}$$^\dagger$ Absorption $\Delta V_{1/2}$$^\dagger$ RA offset Dec offset
component (km s-1) depth$^\dagger$ $^\ddagger$ (km s-1) (mas) (mas)
a -6.3 0.31 4.7 -84 $\pm$ 36 +28 $\pm$ 75
b -0.3 0.32 4.5 -73 $\pm$ 24 -28 $\pm$ 51
c +5.9 0.63 4.5 -60 $\pm$ 12 -11 $\pm$ 26
d +10.3 0.30 4.4 -57 $\pm$ 38 -27 $\pm$ 79
a+b+c+d -10 to +12     -61 $\pm$ 15 -15 $\pm$ 32
Image A       -59 -25
Image B       +250 +103
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$\textstyle \parbox{10.5cm}{
$^\dagger$\space From ...
$^\ddagger$\space With respect to the total continuum intensity.}$

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