
A&A 461, 977-982 (2007)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20066146

The stellar population of the Rosat North Ecliptic Pole survey[*]

G. Micela1 - L. Affer1,2 - F. Favata3 - J. P. Henry4 - I. Gioia5 - C. R. Mullis6 - J. Sanz Forcada7 - S. Sciortino1

1 - INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Piazza del Parlamento 1, 90134, Palermo, Italy
2 - Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Astronomiche - Università di Palermo, Piazza del Parlamento 1, 90134 Palermo, Italy
3 - Astrophysics Mission Division, RSSD of ESA/ESTEC, Postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwjik, The Netherlands
4 - Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawai'i, 2680 Woodlawn Drive, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
5 - INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia INAF-CNR, via Gobetti 101, 40129, Bologna, Italy
6 - Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan, 918 Dennison Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1042, USA
7 - LAEFF, European Space Astronomy Center, Apartado 50727, 28080 Madrid, Spain

Received 31 July 2006 / Accepted 10 October 2006

Context. X-ray surveys are a very efficient mean of detecting young stars and therefore allow us to study the young stellar population in the solar neighborhood and the local star formation history in the last billion of years.
Aims. We want to study the young stellar population in the solar neighborhood, to constrain its spatial density and scale height as well as the recent local star formation history.
Methods. We analyze the stellar content of the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole survey, and compare the observations with the predictions derived from stellar galactic model. Since the ROSAT NEP survey is sensitive at intermediate fluxes is able to sample both the youngest stars and the intermediate age stars (younger than 109 years), linking the shallow and deep flux surveys already published in the literature.
Results. We confirm the existence of an excess of yellow stars in our neighborhood previously seen in shallow survey, which is likely due to a young star population not accounted for in the model. However the excellent agreement between observations and predictions of dM stars casts some doubt on the real nature of this active population.

Key words: stars: activity - stars: coronae - X-rays: stars - Galaxy: solar neighbourhood

1 Introduction

Stellar X-ray observations have shown that X-ray luminosity decreases by 3-4 orders of magnitude during the stellar lifetime (see Favata & Micela 2003 for a recent review), with most of the evolution occurring during the main sequence life-time. This property makes X-ray surveys very effective in identifying young stars in the solar neighborhood, since they are detectable out to much larger distances than old stars, and are proportionally over-represented in X-ray flux limited surveys. Shallow soft X-ray surveys have previously been used to study some of the properties of young stellar populations, such as their density in solar neighborhood, and their spatial distribution and stellar birthrate in the last billion years (Favata et al. 1992; Micela et al. 1993; Tagliaferri et al. 1994; Guillout et al. 1996, 1998; Feigelson et al. 2004).

Early Einstein data allowed to study the young population thanks to the analysis of the Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey (EMSS, Gioia et al. 1990) where an excess with respect to model predictions of yellow stars was discovered (Favata et al. 1988; Sciortino et al. 1995). The youth of the detected population was confirmed by lithium abundance measurements (Favata et al. 1993). Similar results were found with EXOSAT (Tagliaferri et al. 1994), and with ROSAT both in EUV band (Jeffries & Jewell 1993) and in soft X-rays (Guillout et al. 1996).

Stellar X-ray surveys allow us to constrain the stellar birthrate in the last billion years, an age range that is very difficult to explore by means of different techniques (Micela et al. 1993; Guillout et al. 1996). For example, the cross correlation of ROSAT All Sky Bright survey sources and Tycho stars has evidenced a structure of young solar mass stars spatially coincident with the Gould Belt, likely related to a relatively recent episode of stellar formation in the solar neighborhood (Guillout et al. 1998).

X-ray surveys based on the presently operating observatories, Chandra and XMM/Newton give a different and unique contribution to the study of stellar populations since, thanks to their high sensitivity, they allow us to reach and go beyond the scale heights of the young stars. In fact, at the limiting sensitivity typical of deep Chandra and XMM/Newton observations, all the young stars within several hundreds of parsecs will be detected. Since the scale height of young (and even intermediate age) stars is less than 200 parsecs, deep observations at high galactic latitude will detect all the young stars in the field of view. Deeper observations will only result in the detection of additional intrinsically X-ray faint old stars, which also have a spatial distribution with a larger scale height. Such observations permit us to investigate in the X-ray regime the old stellar population, easily separating it from the younger stars. This has been, for example, the subject of Feigelson et al. (2004) who studied the stellar content of the Chandra Deep Field North. Stars detected in such deep surveys are expected to be several billion years old, and their observed number suggests a substantial decline of X-ray activity beyond 1 billion years in age.

In this context the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole survey plays a relevant role, since its sensitivity is intermediate between that of the EMSS (sensitive at fluxes $\sim$ $10^{-13}~{\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}}$) and the surveys being performed with Chandra or XMM/Newton (sensitive at fluxes $\sim$ $10^{-15}~{\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}}$). The EMSS (and most of the RASS) is quite shallow and, as discussed above, detected preferentially young stars, while Chandra and XMM/Newton surveys, being very sensitive, will be dominated by old stars (Micela 2003). The NEP survey with its moderately deep sensitivity, (fluxes $\sim$ $10^{-14}~{\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}}$) is able to sample the intermediate-age (108-109 years) population. Furthermore it has the unique characteristics of covering a relatively large contiguous area of the sky.

The present paper is structured in the following way: in Sect. 2 we present the X-ray observations and optical data, in Sect. 3 we summarize the stellar properties of NEP stars, while in Sect. 4 we compare observations with predictions of our model.

2 Stellar data

2.1 X-ray data

The ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole Survey (NEP, Henry et al. 2001, 2006), covers a $9^\circ$ $\times$ $9^\circ$ area centered on the North Ecliptic Pole (RA(J2000) = $\rm 18^h 00^m 00^s$, Dec(J2000) = $+66^\circ 33' 39''$, l = $96\hbox{$.\!\!^\circ$ }4$, b = $29\hbox{$.\!\!^\circ$ }8$), which is the sky region observed with the highest sensitivity during the ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS), with exposure times up to $\sim$40 ks at the pole. The galactic latitude ( $b=29.8^\circ$) together with the moderate sensitivity allow us to observe young stars close to their scale height and to study their spatial distribution.

The data analysis processing is described in Voges et al. (1999, 2001) and Mullis (2001). The detection algorithm was applied to the ROSAT energy band 0.1-2.4 keV, producing a total of 445 sources with likelihood of existence $L \geq 10$, where L = $- {\rm ln}~ (P)$ and Pis the probability that the source does not exist (count rate =0). With this choice $\sim$2 spurious sources are expected.

Optical follow up observations were obtained and all but two NEP sources were identified (Gioia et al. 2003). The identification procedure is based on spectroscopic observations, or inspection of finding charts together with analysis of literature data on possible counterparts falling in the error circle of the X-ray source until a likely optical counterpart is identified (see Gioia et al. 2003 for a detailed description of the adopted procedure).

More than half of the sources are identified with AGN, about one third with stars and about 15% with clusters of Galaxies. The extragalactic component is discussed extensively in Mullis et al. (2003, 2004a,b), Gioia et al. (2004), and Henry (2006). Here we analyze in detail the properties of the 152 identified stellar counterparts.

2.2 Optical data and observations

Our sample is made of the 152 ROSAT NEP X-ray sources with stellar counterparts. For our analysis we need to determine spectral types, in order to determine the properties of this active stellar population. As a first step we have searched for possible counterparts in SIMBAD, looking for spectral types and stellar properties. In total 37 sources have as counterparts stars in SIMBAD with spectral types while further 17 stars have B-V colors, that may be used to have a first estimate of their nature. All 152 stellar sources have been matched with the 2MASS catalog (Cutri et al. 2000) and only 4 sources with very faint counterparts in the POSS have no 2MASS counterparts.

In order to assess the nature of NEP sources Gioia et al. (2003) obtained spectra of a fraction of the stellar sources. Their spectroscopic observations were taken at the UH 2.2 m Wide-Field Grism Spectrograph (WFGS) and Multi-Object-Spectrograph (MOS) at CFHT 3.6 m and the Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (LRIS) on the Keck telescope. In order to complete the spectral classification of the sample we have taken spectra of 75 counterparts of 67 X-ray sources including stars with only B-V colors in Simbad. We have reobserved also a sample of stars with spectra already available to have an homogeneous classification sample. Low-resolution spectra were acquired on 2004 June 10 and 11, using ALFOSC[*] in its spectroscopic mode, with the 2048 $\times$ 2052 CCD8 at the f/11 focus of the NOT telescope, with a pixel size of 13.5 $\mu$m and a scale of 0 $.\!\!^{\prime\prime}$19 pixel-1. We used the 600 mm-1 red grism and the 1 $.\!\!^{\prime\prime}$0 slit, which provided a pixel scale in spectroscopic mode of 1.3 Å pixel-1, a spectral resolution of $\approx$4.8 Å FWHM, and a wavelength coverage of approximately 5825-8350 Å. Exposure times ranged from 10 s to 700 s, resulting in S/N ratios per pixel averaging at about 70. A spectrum of a He+Ne lamp was obtained following each stellar spectrum, ensuring accurate wavelength calibration.

The optical data were analyzed using standard IRAF[*] reduction packages. A first, fast reduction and interpretation of long-slit spectra was normally completed in "real-time'' at the telescope (in order to decide if further spectra were required to make a reliable classification) with the task "QuickSpec'', which detects and automatically reduces the brightest source on the slit. Nevertheless, all data were subsequently reduced off-line using standard procedures. The analysis includes bias subtraction, flat-fielding, removal of scattered light and wavelength calibration. For each star we acquired from two to six consecutive exposures which were combined, with the IRAF task SCOMBINE, rejecting pixels exceeding specified low and high thresholds and computing the weighted average of the remaining pixels in order to build an average, low-noise spectrum.

Spectra were classified according to the presence or absence of various absorption lines and to the shape of the continuum emission by comparison with standard objects. With this aim we also acquired, with the same instrumental set-up as the NEP survey spectra, the spectra of 25 standard stars which are reported in Table 1, together with their spectral types and references. Examples of typical spectra for three different spectral types are reported in Fig. 1. Note the appearance of molecular bands and of the H$\alpha$ emission line in the spectrum of the dM star.

\par\includegraphics[width=7.35cm,clip]{}\end{figure} Figure 1: Examples of typical spectra for different spectral types obtained with the NOT telescope.

3 Results

We have determined the spectral types for all 152 sources. Table 2 reports the 2MASS photometry and spectral type for our sample. Our classification is accurate at 1-2 subspectral type, sufficient for our aims. Only in two cases the signal to noise is low and allows us only a rougher estimates. The source RX J1824.7+6509 is extragalactic, although in Gioia et al. (2004) was identified as a star (see also Mullis et al. 2004a), for this reason in the following we exclude it from the sample. Seven sources are peculiar stars (Be, CV, WD) and will not be discussed in the following. Summarizing, we are left with a sample of 144 sources identified with "normal stars''.

A summary of the spectral type classification is reported in Table 3. We have separated spectral type F in two subsamples since early-F stars are expected to share X-ray characteristics with A stars, with very shallow, if any, convection zone that may drive a solar-like dynamo, while the internal structure of late-F stars is more similar to that of dG stars. This different internal structure is expected to produce different level coronal emission, with late-F and dG stars brighter in X-rays than A and early-F stars. The chosen grouping make also easier the comparison with models (Sect. 4) that use X-ray luminosity functions in the solar neighborhood, commonly computed for late-F and dG stars together (i.e. Maggio et al. 1987). As expected from the volume limited nearby population, most ($\sim$2/3) of the detected stars are K-M stars, $\sim$1/4 are solar-like stars, and only less than 10% are A and early-F stars.

4 Model predictions and comparisons with the observations

4.1 Modeling of the stellar content of the ROSAT NEP survey

We have analyzed the properties of the ROSAT NEP X-ray stellar population using our model XCOUNT (Favata et al. 1992; Micela et al. 1993). The model assumes an exponential disk-like spatial distribution of the stars, with a radial scale length of 3.5 kpc, as in Bahcall & Soneira (1980). We have modified the Bahcall & Soneira (1980) model by introducing an age-dependent scale height. We divide stars in three age ranges: 107-108, 108-109, and 109-1010 years, with scale heights of 100, 200, and 400 pc, respectively. For each spectral type and age range we have assumed X-ray luminosity functions derived from ROSAT observations of the Pleiades (Micela et al. 1996) and Hyades (Stern et al. 1995), and from Einstein data for nearby stars (Schmitt et al. 1985; Maggio et al. 1987; Barbera et al. 1993), considered as prototypes of the three age ranges. We assume also that the average coronal temperature decays with age, assuming 1.0 keV for Pleiades (Gagne et al. 1995), 0.5 keV for Hyades (Stern et al. 1995) and 0.3 keV for old stars (Schmitt et al. 1985). We predict also the expected giants assuming the X-ray luminosity from Pizzolato et al. (2000) and RS CVns using the X-ray luminosity function derived from data of Dempsey et al. (1997). XCOUNT uses the distribution of interstellar matter from Lockman (1984).

In order to predict X-ray source counts we have used the sensitivity map binned in sensitivity for a total of 14 400 regions ranging between 17 and 24 arcmin square as computed for the NEP analysis (Voges et al. 2001; Henry et al. 2006). The sensitivity ranges between 2 $\times$ 10-3 and 1.6 $\times$ 10-2 cnt/s. We prefer to use a sensitivity map expressed in cnt/s rather than in flux because stars of different age may have different dominant coronal temperatures, and therefore X-ray spectra, producing a non-unique transformation between cnt/s and flux. The predictions are computed separately for each sensitivity region and summed up.

We have compared the number of detected stars and their properties with those predicted with the XCOUNT model (Favata et al. 1992; Micela et al. 1993). The comparison between the observations and the predictions gives us important information on the detected star population and allows us to constrain some of the parameters of the model.

4.2 Model results

The predictions of our modeling in the ROSAT NEP survey for each spectral type and age range are summarized in Table 4, and shown in Figs. 2 and 3. In addition to the 104 "normal'' main sequence stars our model predict 0.8 giant stars and a number of RSCVn systems in the range between 3.8 and 14.7, corresponding to a total number between 108 and 119 predicted stellar sources. The exact number of predicted RSCVns depends on the assumed spatial density, which still is not firmly established. The above range is derived assuming the minimum and maximum estimated density for this stellar population (Favata et al. 1995). Although we have computed the expected number both for high and low density of binary systems, previous work (Favata et al. 1995) has shown that the actual density is closer to the low limit than the higher one.

Table 3: Summary of spectral type classification of stellar X-ray NEP sources.
Sp.Type N. Obs.
A 3
F-F5 10
F6-F9 8
G 29
K 53
M 41
Tot. 144

Table 4: Summary of X-ray source counts predictions for each spectral type and range of age derived from XCOUNT.
Sp. Type N(young) N(intermed.) N(old) Total
A 0.63 1.41 0.28 2.32
F-F5 0.32 1.53 7.34 9.18
F6-F9+G 1.91 8.42 7.63 17.95
K 4.24 8.86 20.26 33.35
M 9.38 22.2 10.07 41.35
  16.42 42.26 45.48 104.16

\par\includegraphics[width=6.4cm,clip]{}\end{figure} Figure 2: Spectral type distribution of the stellar population of the NEP stars predicted with XCOUNT (shaded histogram). Empty hystogram marks the actual observed stars.

\par\includegraphics[width=6.4cm,clip]{}\end{figure} Figure 3: Age distribution of the stellar population of the NEP stars predicted with XCOUNT. The predicted stellar population is equally dominated by intermediate-age and old stars.

The sample is expected to be dominated by dK and dM stars of intermediate and old age. In particular the dK sample should be dominated by old stars, while the dM sample is mainly composed of intermediate Hyades-like age stars. We show the contribution of the samples of stars of different age to the stellar $\log N-\log S$ in Fig. 4. Vertical dashed lines mark the range of limiting sensitivity of our survey. The plot shows that, while the $\log N-\log S$ of the oldest stars is approximately a power law with a slope of about 3/2, as expected for a spherically distributed population as we are not reaching stars outside the disk, the $\log N-\log S$ of the youngest populations deviate from the power law. In practice their low scale height together with their high X-ray luminosity determine a count rate beyond which no new stars are observed as the limiting distance falls outside the disk. The figure shows that the NEP survey is too shallow to be sensitive to this effect. At the NEP sensitivity even the young populations are almost spherical distributed so that their $\log N-\log S$ is sensitive mainly to spatial star density. In a similar way Fig. 5 reports the contribution of different spectral types.

\par\includegraphics[width=7.15cm,clip]{}\end{figure} Figure 4: ${\rm Log}~(N)-{\rm Log}~(S)$ predicted with XCOUNT toward the NEP. Flux is expressed in ROSAT/PSPC count rate. Short dashed, long-dashed, and solid lines are the contributions of young, intermediated and old stars, respectively. Vertical dashed lines mark the range of limiting sensitivity of the survey. At the NEP sensitivity, intermediate and old populations dominate the stellar sources. At higher fluxes also the youngest stars give a large contribution, while at faint fluxes the stellar population is largely dominated by oldest stars.

\par\includegraphics[width=7.15cm,clip]{}\end{figure} Figure 5: ${\rm Log}~(N)-{\rm Log}~(S)$ predicted with XCOUNT toward the NEP. Flux is expressed in ROSAT/PSPC count rate as in Fig. 4. Figure shows the contribution from dA, dF, dG, dK, and dM stars (going from the lower contribution to the the largest). Vertical dashed lines mark the range of limiting sensitivity of the survey.

4.3 Comparison with the observations

Our model predicts a total of 108 (119 if we assume the high spatial density for active binary population) detected stars to be compared with 144 observed stars. In particular, the observations and the predictions for A and early F stars are in excellent agreement (11.5 predicted and 13 observed), as are dM stars (41.35 predicted and 41 observed), while the difference is concentrated among dG and dK stars (51.3 predicted and 82 observed) The NEP survey therefore confirms the presence of an excess of yellow stars in shallow X-ray surveys. This is evident from Fig. 2, where the empty hystogram marks the number of observed stars while the filled histogram represents the model predictions.

The excess of detected active stars in shallow X-ray surveys has been attributed to a young population in the solar neighborhood, not accounted for by the models (e.g. Sciortino et al. 1995). The detection of the lithium line in the optical spectra of such stars has been interpreted as a confirmation of such hypothesis (Favata et al. 1993). The alternative explanation, that active old binaries could be the responsible for the observed excess, is not supported by the optical spectroscopic observations.

However the explanation in terms of young stars is not completely satisfactory since it does not explain why the effect is concentrated among G and K stars. The decay of $L_{\rm x}$ with age is not a strong function of mass, therefore if a young population is present the excess should be observed also among M stars. This is not the case, and on the contrary, the observed dM stars appear to be in "perfect'' agreement with the model in most of the X-ray surveys (see e.g. Micela 2003) and the discrepancy is always concentrated among yellow stars, with an observed excess in shallow surveys and a lack in deep surveys (Feigelson et al. 2003).

To better explore the characteristics of the observed discrepancy we may compare the expected and observed $\log N-\log S$, reported in Fig. 6. The observed $\log N-\log S$ shows an excess concentrated on rates larger than 0.01 cnt/s. For weaker fluxes the observations agree very well with the predictions. Such behavior is consistent with the presence of an active small scale height population, not accounted for by the model. High activity and small scale height are typical of a young population, however the bending of the $\log N-\log S$ appears at fluxes higher than those where the bending of a young (107-108 years) population is expected (10-2 cnt/s to be compared with 10-3 cnt/s, see Fig. 4, dotted line). A population responsible for this bending should have either an intrinsic X-ray luminosity one order of magnitude higher than the youngest population accounted for in our model (age 107-108 years), or a scale height $\sim$3 times smaller than this young population. Furthermore its density should be 1.5-2 times the density of the youngest stars, and concentrated on yellow spectral types (in addition to the RSCVn population, much less dense, already taken into account). We notice that is very difficult to justify the presence of a population with such characteristics (in particular the very small scale height), as it should have been easily detected in the nearby volume limited surveys of stellar X-ray emission (Maggio et al. 1987; Schmitt & Liefke 2004). Also, this hypothesis, as discussed below, appears in contradiction with the observed agreement between predictions and observations for the M stars.

In order to better understand the nature of this "excess'' population we may take advantage of the relatively large number of stars in the ROSAT NEP survey and separately explore the behavior of the different spectral types. In Fig. 6 we have grouped together A and early F stars, G and K stars and dM stars. The earliest types contribute very little to the global  $\log N-\log S$ but an excess is present at very high fluxes. It is possible that our survey is picking up a few very active, peculiar dA stars. At the same time dM stars appear in excellent agreement with the prediction essentially in all the explored flux range, while yellow stars seem in excess at every flux. In the light of these considerations, the bending of the observed total  $\log N-\log S$ seems an artifact, due to a combination of a simultaneous small deficiency of dM stars at faint fluxes, and a minor excess of the yellow stars at faintest fluxes. Likely neither of these effects are significant. The observed excess is evenly distributed on the entire flux range, making implausible the hypothesis that an active, small scale height population, is responsible for the excess. An alternative hypothesis is that one is observing a moderately active population with a scale height $\geq$100 pc. X-ray stellar surveys have already identified the young low-mass stellar population of the Gould Belt or Disk (Guillout et al. 1998) associated to a recent star formation episode close to the Sun not accounted for in our galactic model. The NEP surveyed area is far from the Gould Belt, but it is possible that other local, less prominent events of star formation occurred in the solar neighborhood.

Therefore, while the hypothesis of a young population remains the most plausible, the lack of observed excess dM stars is not explained. The possibility remains that the identification process misses some of the optically fainter dM stars. In this case we should miss about 20 dM stellar identification from the entire NEP survey. Of course this would imply the very unlikely circumstance that about 20 NEP sources identified with an extragalactic sources are misidentified. At the same time, for this explanation to be valid, this would imply that the same identification bias is present in all shallow X-ray survey studied to date with a similar approach. An alternative explanation is that the X-ray luminosity functions of young and intermediated-age dM stars, based on Pleiades and Hyades, are biased toward high luminosity values. Such explanation is not implausible since the member catalogs may be uncomplete at the very low mass end, where the faintest X-ray stars belong.

\par\includegraphics[width=7.15cm,clip]{}\end{figure} Figure 6: Observed and predicted ${\rm Log}~(N)-{\rm Log}~(S)$ toward the NEP. Flux is expressed in ROSAT/PSPC count rate as in Fig. 5. The upper line is the total expected $\log N-\log S$ and the points are the observations. The lower line represents the predictions for A and early F(label "A'') stars, while the two dotted overimposed lines are the predictions for G-K and dM stars, respectively (labels "G'' and "M''). The observed A and early F stars are marked by the lower irregular line, while observed dM stars are the intermediate irregular line, and the upper one is the observed  $\log N-\log S$ of dG and dK stars.

Alternatively and more likely, a substantial fraction of binaries could be present in the detected sample. In this case we may have a yellow primary, that dominates the optical emission, and a dM companion that dominates the X-ray emission. In this case we observe an excess concentrated at yellow stars, although it is due both to solar and low mass stars. The effect could be particularly important if the fraction of binaries is larger in young stellar population. Patience et al. (1998) for example, studying Taurus, Hyades and nearby star samples, find that the companion star fraction (considering mass ratio $\sim$0.2-1.0 and separations in the 5-50 AU ranges) decreases from 0.4 to 0.15 for age increasing from 106 yr to 5 $\times$ 109 yr. The observed trend may depend on the specific environmental conditions of star formation, therefore it is not straightforward to interpret it exclusively as an evolutionary effect. However a detailed study of the fraction of binary systems in our sample is needed to address this hypothesis.

5 Summary and conclusions

We have analyzed the stellar content of the RASS North Ecliptic Pole survey, in order to determine the nature of active stars in the solar neighborhood. In particular we have determined the spectral types for the entire sample and have compared the observations with the predictions obtained with the XCOUNT model. Our analysis confirms the results obtained with previous moderately deep surveys, i.e. that an excess of active yellow stars is present in the nearby active stellar population.

The most plausible explanation of such excess is the presence of a young population, due to a relatively recent burst of star formation. Such hypothesis is supported by previous lithium detection in stars selected with analogous surveys. At the same time the X-ray spectral analysis of the stars detected by the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey (Della Ceca et al. 2004) show that coronal plasma responsible for the emission is dominated by temperature typical of young or intermediate age stars (Lopez Santiago et al. 2006). Furthermore we note that one star of our sample (RX J1721.1+6947), coincident with HD 158063 has also an IRAS counterpart and it is included in the sample of Suchov et al. (2002) as candidate pre-main sequence F stars with circumstellar dust, implying youth.

However the explanation of the observed excess in terms of young stars is not completely satisfactory since we do not observe such excess among dM stars where it should be present if one were actually observing a young population. A possible explanation of such lack of excess could be that there is a substantial incompleteness of the stellar identifications of the sample (i.e. further 30 NEP sources should be faint stars in order to produce an excess in M stars equivalent to the excess observed in yellow stars) or that a significant fraction of binaries, with a low mass companion, is present among X-ray active stars. It remains however puzzling that in all the X-ray surveys studied to date, both shallow and deep, the detections of dM stars are remarkably in agreement with the model.

Further studies of the detected population, kinematics analysis, spectroscopic observations but also far infrared observations to detect the presence of residual dust disks around our stars, are needed to definitely assess the nature of this population that could trace the recent star formation history in the solar neighborhood.

Based on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on the island of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roche de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), which is a joint project of the University of Massachussetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. We acknowledge Javier Lopez Santiago for fruitful discussions. This work is part of the project ISHERPA funded by the European Commission (contract No. MTKD-CT-2004-002769).



6 Online Material

Table 1: Standard stars used in our spectral classification.
Star Spectral Spectral type
  type References
HD 78277 G2 IV (1)
HD 237822 G3 V (2)
SAO 81292 M4.5 Ve (1)
HD 104979 G8 IIIa (2)
HD 101501 G8 V (2)
HD 113226 G8 III (2)
HD 112872 G6 III (1)
HR 6511 A1 Vn (2)
HR 6826 B9 IIIn (2)
HD 201092 K7 V (2)
HD 219134 K3 V (2)
HD 5351 K4 V (1)
BD 63 0137 M1 V (1)
HD 196755 G5 IV (2)
HD 2506 G4 III (1)
SAO 55164 K0 III (1)
HD 4628 K2 V (2)
HD 6111 F8 V (1)
HD 10032 F0 V (1)
HD 10476 K1 V (2)
HD 70178 G5 IV (1)
HD 66171 G2 V (1)
HD 83140 F3 IV (1)
HD 110964 M4 III (1)
HD 210027 F5 V (2)
(1): Jacoby et al. (1984).
(2): SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France.

Table 2: 2MASS photometry and spectral types for our sample. Names and scan numbers are from Gioia et al. (2003).
Name Scan RA(J2000) Dec(J2000) J H K Sp. Note
    (h m s) $^\circ~'$  ${}^{\prime\prime}$          
RX J1715.6+6856 1240 17 15 41.7 +68 56 43       Be$^\dag $ G
RX J1715.6+6231 1241 17 15 42.3 +62 31 27 10.954 10.564 10.474 G5 G
RX J1718.3+6754 1350 17 18 19.6 +67 54 17 12.078 11.425 11.279 M3e G
RX J1719.0+6852 1400 17 19 00.9 +68 52 32 11.273 10.686 10.441 M3 N
RX J1719.4+6522 1420 17 19 28.8 +65 22 29 10.034 9.602 9.516 K0 N
RX J1720.0+6206 1441 17 20 05.6 +62 06 22 7.973 7.633 7.571 G2 N
RX J1720.4+6703 1470 17 20 26.7 +67 03 37 8.752 8.383 8.317 G8 N
RX J1721.1+6947 1500 17 21 10.9 +69 48 02 6.117 5.746 5.682 G2 N
RX J1721.7+6200 1511 17 21 42.5 +62 00 32 9.555 9.054 8.921 K4 N
RX J1723.3+6333 1541 17 23 17.9 +63 33 26 11.286 10.681 10.488 M4e G
RX J1724.0+6940 1580 17 24 00.4 +69 40 30 10.102 9.716 9.602 K2 N
RX J1724.4+6412 1600 17 24 26.8 +64 12 23 9.167 8.854 8.794 G2 N
RX J1724.6+6440 1601 17 24 38.8 +64 40 51 8.918 8.623 8.582 G0 N
RX J1726.7+6937 1690 17 26 45.4 +69 37 53 9.778 9.530 9.494 G2 N
RX J1727.9+6210 1741 17 27 56.6 +62 10 54       K G
RX J1729.0+6529 1781 17 29 00.2 +65 29 52 11.516 11.004 10.889 K2 G
RX J1729.6+6847 1800 17 29 39.4 +68 47 38 8.335 8.168 8.147 F5 N
RX J1729.7+6737 1810 17 29 46.1 +67 38 13       M6 G
RX J1730.1+6247 1820 17 30 08.4 +62 47 55 15.284 15.189 15.217 CV$^\dag $ G
RX J1730.3+6955 1840 17 30 19.9 +69 55 27 8.913 8.635 8.498 G0 N
RX J1733.2+6712 1960 17 33 16.9 +67 12 08 6.836 6.672 6.627 F2 S
RX J1736.2+6502 2050 17 36 14.1 +65 02 27 9.099 8.561 8.414 K0 S
RX J1736.4+6820 2100 17 36 26.6 +68 20 37 5.335 4.766 4.548 M3 S
RX J1736.9+6845 2130 17 36 57.0 +68 45 12 3.826 3.696 3.620 F5 S
RX J1738.0+6653 2132 17 38 02.3 +66 53 47 15.303 15.604 15.454 PN$^\dag $ G
RX J1738.0+6314 2150 17 38 01.3 +63 14 22 10.044 9.526 9.353 K5e N
RX J1738.0+6509 2170 17 38 04.4 +65 09 32 10.566 9.993 9.734 M4e G
RX J1739.2+7020 2210 17 39 16.1 +70 20 09 8.047 7.809 7.763 F8 S
RX J1739.9+6500 2250 17 39 56.1 +65 00 04 6.767 6.302 6.190 K0 S
RX J1740.7+6255 2290 17 40 44.6 +62 55 12 10.804 10.129 9.965 M0e N
RX J1742.4+6907 2360 17 42 26.5 +69 07 58 7.526 7.298 7.247 F8 N
RX J1742.5+6709 2370 17 42 33.8 +67 09 23 10.457 9.978 9.833 K3 N
RX J1743.0+6606 2400 17 43 01.6 +66 06 46 8.519 8.206 8.145 G2 N
RX J1743.8+7031 2470 17 43 51.7 +70 31 39 9.516 9.324 9.264 F3 N
RX J1744.0+7015 2480 17 44 00.6 +70 15 27 9.458 9.041 8.927 K0 N
RX J1744.5+6316 2510 17 44 32.3 +63 16 33 12.913 12.499 12.466 G2 G
RX J1745.2+6609 2551 17 45 12.1 +66 09 41 11.957 11.319 11.140 M4e G
RX J1745.4+6918 2580 17 45 24.5 +69 18 21 10.243 9.678 9.540 K4 N
RX J1745.6+6543 2600 17 45 41.3 +65 43 49 11.517 10.970 10.837 K7e N
RX J1746.2+6627 2740 17 46 15.1 +66 27 48 11.511 10.899 10.763 K3e G
RX J1746.7+7047 2780 17 46 44.8 +70 47 03 10.757 10.103 9.963 M3e G
RX J1748.4+6335 2920 17 48 29.3 +63 35 51 15.680 15.136 14.948 K G,N
RX J1748.5+6308 2931 17 48 33.7 +63 08 45 11.224 10.829 10.753 G2 G
RX J1749.0+6247 2970 17 49 03.9 +62 47 48 5.932 5.809 5.754 F2 S
RX J1749.3+6737 2990 17 49 18.0 +67 37 29 11.503 11.030 10.864 K5e N
RX J1749.9+6611 3040 17 49 55.9 +66 11 08 12.099 11.474 11.298 M0e G,N
RX J1750.2+6207 3070 17 50 15.0 +62 07 56 10.066 9.657 9.522 K4 G,N
RX J1750.4+7045 3080 17 50 25.3 +70 45 36 7.704 7.120 6.961 K2.5 S
RX J1751.8+6414 3161 17 51 49.2 +64 15 01 10.679 10.195 10.062 K4-5 G
RX J1752.7+6700 20 17 52 44.8 +67 00 20 8.571 8.130 8.034 G8+F6+F0 N
RX J1752.7+6738 30 17 52 44.6 +67 38 31 10.563 10.113 9.983 K4 N
RX J1752.7+6804 31 17 52 45.6 +68 05 00       M3 G
RX J1752.9+6625 3220 17 52 56.0 +66 25 10 6.103 5.671 5.566 K0 S
RX J1753.8+6852 3270 17 53 51.5 +68 52 28 10.746 10.149 10.077 K0 G
RX J1754.1+6948 3310 17 54 07.8 +69 48 26 10.894 10.591 10.492 G5 G
RX J1756.2+6807 3500 17 56 14.0 +68 07 09 10.481 9.888 9.775 M0e N
RX J1757.0+6849 3560 17 57 03.7 +68 49 14 7.733 7.423 7.361 G8 N
RX J1757.2+6547 190 17 57 14.3 +65 46 58 11.991 11.304 11.110 M3e G,N
RX J1758.0+6409 3610 17 58 01.4 +64 09 34 8.365 7.859 7.737 K4 N
RX J1758.3+6735 240 17 58 18.9 +67 35 15 12.979 12.374 12.071 M4e G,N
RX J1758.4+6726 260 17 58 28.3 +67 26 08 9.327 9.069 9.005 G2 N
RX J1758.7+6350 3690 17 58 48.0 +63 50 39 8.107 8.022 7.980 A2 S
RX J1758.9+6211 281 17 58 54.1 +62 11 24 15.973 15.455 14.996 M2 G
RX J1759.2+6408 3710 17 59 13.8 +64 08 33 6.480 6.323 6.315 F2 S
RX J1759.3+6602 330 17 59 23.6 +66 02 55 8.699 8.215 8.114 G9 N
RX J1800.0+6645 370 18 00 02.2 +66 45 53 9.711 9.460 9.375 F8 N
RX J1800.1+6835 3790 18 00 10.0 +68 35 56 15.501 15.930 15.443 WD$^\dag $ S
RX J1800.3+6349 3800 18 00 24.3 +63 49 53 10.417 9.819 9.616 M0 G
RX J1800.9+6600 470 18 00 57.4 +66 00 56 11.780 11.211 11.104 K4 G
RX J1801.3+6654 500 18 01 21.9 +66 54 04 10.049 9.522 9.395 K3+K4 N
RX J1801.4+6800 501 18 01 26.7 +68 00 30 11.849 11.291 11.166 K5e N
RX J1802.2+6415 3900 18 02 15.2 +64 16 03 8.541 7.962 7.652 M4e N
RX J1803.0+6445 3970 18 03 05.8 +64 45 29 11.328 10.690 10.490 M4/5 G
RX J1803.4+6437 3990 18 03 33.6 +64 37 47 11.713 11.098 10.797 G2 G
RX J1804.2+6754 680 18 04 14.0 +67 54 11 12.882 12.265 12.060 CV$^\dag $ S
RX J1804.3+6629 700 18 04 24.7 +66 29 28 16.117 15.309 15.596 Hot SD$^\dag $ G
RX J1804.5+6429 4010 18 04 32.9 +64 29 03 10.810 10.203 9.935 M8 G
RX J1804.6+6528 4121 18 04 38.6 +65 28 58 11.614 11.265 11.133 K4 G
RX J1805.1+6353 4060 18 05 08.4 +63 53 35 11.650 11.039 10.849 M2e G
RX J1805.5+6945 4090 18 05 30.5 +69 45 17 9.534 9.251 9.143 G2 G
RX J1805.5+6219 4100 18 05 30.3 +62 19 03 6.536 6.167 6.044 K0 S
RX J1805.7+6551 4130 18 05 44.8 +65 51 58 8.494 8.308 8.240 F5 S
RX J1806.3+6524 4160 18 06 21.8 +65 24 06 11.867 11.334 11.222 K4 G
RX J1806.6+6413 4180 18 06 41.0 +64 13 18 4.980 4.435 4.364 K0 S
RX J1806.7+6822 4190 18 06 43.6 +68 22 01 9.685 9.064 8.845 M4e N
RX J1806.7+6626 750 18 06 47.0 +66 26 07 16.511 16.119 15.136 M0 G
RX J1807.0+6643 4211 18 06 58.2 +66 43 30 16.610 15.936 15.703 K5 G
RX J1807.3+6635 4240 18 07 19.9 +66 35 29 10.535 9.995 9.855 K5e N
RX J1807.6+6829 4260 18 07 39.7 +68 29 22 10.922 10.472 10.350 K4 G
RX J1808.4+6437 4281 18 08 23.7 +64 37 12 11.254 10.642 10.487 M0e G
RX J1808.5+6643 4310 18 08 35.3 +66 43 22 11.930 11.394 11.270 K4e N
RX J1808.6+6735 4350 18 08 41.6 +67 36 00 10.282 9.768 9.675 K2 G
RX J1808.7+6256 4380 18 08 45.4 +62 56 37 7.082 6.708 6.619 G5 S
RX J1809.9+6940 4470 18 09 55.8 +69 40 39 6.872 6.455 6.326 K3 N
RX J1810.1+6728 4500 18 10 08.0 +67 28 35 10.452 10.040 9.973 K0 N
RX J1810.8+7016 4530 18 10 49.9 +70 16 09 9.183 8.810 8.679 G9 G
RX J1811.3+6314 4570 18 11 21.5 +63 14 49 11.447 11.130 11.021 K0 N
RX J1812.7+6533 4650 18 12 44.6 +65 33 49 10.131 9.680 9.567 K2 N
RX J1812.8+6946 4660 18 12 54.3 +69 46 23 12.502 11.906 11.667 M4 G
RX J1813.7+6628 4750 18 13 47.0 +66 28 59 16.191 15.474 14.983 M2 N
RX J1813.7+6707 4770 18 13 45.9 +67 07 41 12.275 11.771 11.647 K2e+K2 G
RX J1813.8+6831 4780 18 13 48.6 +68 31 32 8.882 8.310 8.177 K2 N
RX J1813.8+6423 4810 18 13 51.4 +64 23 57 4.203 4.059 3.944 F5 S
RX J1816.2+6529 4931 18 16 21.2 +65 29 39 5.500 4.726 4.513 K8 N
RX J1816.5+6547 4960 18 16 32.3 +65 47 02 12.263 11.646 11.529 K4e G
RX J1816.8+6504 4970 18 16 49.7 +65 04 26 9.130 8.669 8.544 K2 N
RX J1816.9+6449 4980 18 16 58.6 +64 49 34 11.256 11.017 10.952 G2 N
RX J1818.5+7042 5060 18 18 31.9 +70 42 17 8.816 8.424 8.418 G5 S
RX J1818.9+6611 5090 18 18 53.7 +66 11 54 8.740 8.264 7.948 M5e G
RX J1819.9+6636 5170 18 19 53.8 +66 36 19 12.932 12.605 12.532 G4 G
RX J1820.3+6519 5220 18 20 19.2 +65 19 19 6.967 6.772 6.712 F8 S
RX J1821.3+6559 5280 18 21 25.0 +65 59 31 10.037 9.386 9.201 M3e G
RX J1821.7+6357 5320 18 21 46.8 +63 57 10 8.373 8.052 7.988 K0 N
RX J1823.1+6533 5380 18 23 06.8 +65 33 14 9.019 9.028 8.996 A2 G
RX J1823.4+6257 5410 18 23 26.7 +62 57 18 11.367 10.943 10.892 G5+K3/4 N
RX J1824.5+6349 5480 18 24 29.6 +63 49 37 12.882 12.637 12.571 M0 G
RX J1824.7+6509 5500 18 24 47.3 +65 09 25 15.518 14.741 13.611 AGN$^\dag $ N
RX J1825.1+6450 5510 18 25 09.0 +64 50 21 5.052 4.743 4.362 K4 G,N
RX J1825.5+6234 5520 18 25 32.9 +62 34 15 8.394 7.896 7.721 K4e N
RX J1827.9+6235 5600 18 27 57.0 +62 35 41 10.584 9.916 9.728 M0e G
RX J1828.5+6322 5660 18 28 32.2 +63 21 59 11.295 10.858 10.751 K4 G, N
RX J1829.3+6409 5710 18 29 17.6 +64 09 17 13.078 12.753 12.497 M3e+M3 G, N
RX J1829.3+6751 5711 18 29 20.6 +67 51 33 11.948 11.456 11.354 K4e G
RX J1829.5+6905 5730 18 29 31.7 +69 05 13 10.621 10.152 10.036 G5 G
RX J1829.7+6435 5760 18 29 46.1 +64 35 20 10.893 10.691 10.645 F8+K1 G, N
RX J1831.1+6214 5840 18 31 04.5 +62 14 39 11.749 11.495 11.444 F8 N
RX J1831.3+6454 5860 18 31 21.7 +64 54 11 9.360 8.796 8.533 M4e G
RX J1831.7+6511 5880 18 31 44.4 +65 11 32 15.678 15.144 14.960 Be$^\dag $ G
RX J1832.0+7002 5910 18 32 03.9 +70 02 41 9.792 9.153 8.773 M2e+M3 N
RX J1832.5+6836 5950 18 32 29.5 +68 36 52 6.590 6.394 6.353 G0 N
RX J1833.5+6431 5992 18 33 29.2 +64 31 54 14.098 13.516 13.241 M2e G
RX J1833.6+6259 6010 18 33 38.2 +62 59 26 10.406 10.053 9.991 F8 G
RX J1833.8+6513 6030 18 33 47.8 +65 13 33 7.710 7.247 7.124 K3 N
RX J1834.1+6438 6060 18 34 08.2 +64 38 25 11.441 10.865 10.539 M5e G
RX J1834.5+6931 6051 18 34 33.6 +69 31 45 10.079 9.630 9.533 G5 G
RX J1835.8+6446 6140 18 35 50.7 +64 46 07 11.634 10.985 10.756 M6 G
RX J1835.9+6336 6150 18 35 53.7 +63 36 53 14.707 14.328 14.322 G5 G, N
RX J1836.2+6529 6160 18 36 13.5 +65 29 15 5.426 5.396 5.314 F0 S
RX J1836.3+6654 6163 18 36 22.8 +66 54 54 6.403 6.140 6.092 G3 S
RX J1836.9+6747 6210 18 36 55.7 +67 47 09 11.137 10.784 10.718 F6 G
RX J1837.5+6231 6240 18 37 33.6 +62 31 31 5.725 5.773 5.753 A0 S
RX J1839.4+6903 6350 18 39 25.4 +69 02 54 8.533 7.881 7.676 M3e N
RX J1839.8+6537 6370 18 39 47.5 +65 37 59 10.409 10.055 9.959 K3 N
RX J1840.5+6521 6390 18 40 33.6 +65 21 37 11.319 10.676 10.541 M0e G
RX J1840.7+7038 6400 18 40 44.4 +70 38 47 8.043 7.669 7.563 K2 N
RX J1840.9+6245 6410 18 40 56.6 +62 44 54 4.645 4.139 4.061 K0III S
RX J1840.9+6528 6420 18 40 58.6 +65 28 34 11.764 11.095 10.915 K7e G
RX J1841.9+6316 6451 18 41 57.8 +63 16 26 9.998 9.436 9.234 M4e G
RX J1843.2+6956 6510 18 43 12.6 +69 55 54 8.585 8.376 8.334 F0 S
RX J1843.7+6514 6530 18 43 46.0 +65 14 08 10.367 9.713 9.531 M2e N
RX J1844.2+6719 6541 18 44 14.6 +67 19 33 11.585 10.947 10.703 M5e G
RX J1844.6+6338 6545 18 44 39.1 +63 38 28 10.851 10.509 10.441 G2 G
$^\dag $ Discarded from the sample of "normal stars''.
Notes: S (Spectral type from SIMBAD), G (Spectra from Gioia et al. 2003), N (Spectra obtained in this work with the NOT telescope.

Copyright ESO 2007