Table A.1: Elemental abundances in FG Sge: a) relative to $\alpha $ Cyg (Herbig & Boyarchuk 1968) (Cols. 2-6), b) mean values (1960-1965, excluding 1960 Sept.) normalized such that the combined abundances of Si, Ti, Cr and Fe are the same in FG Sge and $\alpha $ Cyg (Albayrak 2000) (Col. 8), c) the same mean values relative to $\alpha $ Cyg (Col. 7) and the Sun (Col. 9), and d) elemental abundances for $\alpha $ Cyg (Albayrak 2000) and the Sun (Cols. 10-11). Abundances [X] are given as logarithm of relative abundance by number normalized to H = 12.00.
Elem FG Sge: [X]$-\alpha$ Cyg FG Sge: mean $\alpha $ Cyg Sun
  July Sept. Sept. Aug. May [X]$-\alpha$ Cyg [X] [X]-Sun    
  1960 1960 1962 1963 1965          
H +0.50 +0.53 +0.23 +0.55 +0.43 +0.43 12.43 +0.43 12.00 12.00
He +1.48 -0.90 - - +0.06 +0.77 11.62 +0.69 10.85 [10.93]
C +0.74 -0.18 +0.91 +0.83 +1.09 +0.89 9.83 +1.44 8.94 8.39
O - - +0.25 +0.74 +0.45 +0.48 9.11 +0.45 8.63 8.66
Mg +0.29 +0.85 +0.10 +0.48 +0.06 +0.23 7.74 +0.21 7.51 7.53
Si +0.04 -0.17 +0.28 +0.45 +0.19 +0.24 7.64 +0.13 7.40 7.51
Ca +0.60 +1.61 -0.25 -0.19 -0.37 -0.05 6.74 +0.43 6.79 6.31
Sc - - +0.36 +0.41 +0.16 +0.31 3.26 +0.21 2.95 3.05
Ti +0.05 +0.15 -0.07 -0.13 -0.03 -0.05 4.96 +0.05 5.00 4.90
V - - +0.11 +0.49 +0.26 +0.29 4.41 +0.41 4.12 4.00
Cr +0.17 - -0.01 -0.14 +0.03 0.01 5.73 +0.09 5.72 5.64
Mn +0.29 - +0.15 -0.12 - +0.11 5.71 +0.32 5.60 5.39
Fe -0.28 +0.03 -0.21 -0.17 -0.13 -0.20 7.37 -0.08 7.57 7.45
Co +0.92 - +0.44 +0.61 - +0.66 - - - 4.92
Ni - - +0.13 +0.23 +0.22 +0.19 6.43 +0.20 6.24 6.23
Sr +1.06 - +0.57 +0.82 +0.56 +0.75 4.03 +1.11 3.28 2.92
Zr - - +0.05 +0.32 +0.33 +0.23 3.64 +1.05 3.41 2.59
Ba - - +0.22 +0.32 +0.38 +0.31 3.19 +1.02 2.88 2.17
Eu - - -0.5 +0.1 -0.2 -0.20 2.28 +1.76 2.48 0.52

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