Table D.1: Some characteristic model quantities: the first two columns give the model name and the classification of the GW signal (for the corresponding non-magnetized model). Columns 3 and 4 give the time of bounce  $t_{{\rm b}}$ (in milliseconds) and the maximum density at bounce  $\rho _{{\rm b}}$ (in units of $10^{14}~{\rm cm~s}^{-1}$). An exclamation mark behind the density value signifies that the maximum density of the model exceeds the bounce density during the later evolution. $A^{{\rm E}2}_{20}$ (Col. 5) and  $A^{{\rm E}2}_{20; {\rm mag}}$ (Col. 6) are the maximum GW amplitude (in cm) and the corresponding magnetic contribution. $A^{{\rm E}2}_{20; \infty }$ (Col. 7) is a rough mean value of the wave amplitude (in cm) at some late epoch; no value is provided when the GW amplitude does not approach a quasi-constant asymptotic value. If the absolute value of this amplitude is large, the presence of an aspheric outflow at late epochs can be inferred. The following columns give the maximum value of the rotational (Col. 8) and the magnetic beta parameter (Col. 9), the time when  $\beta _{{\rm mag}}$ reaches its maximum (Col. 10), and the corresponding beta of the toroidal field (Col. 11). If the magnetic field is still amplifying at the end of the simulation, an exclamation mark is added behind the table entry, and if the magnetic field is decreasing at this time, we give its final value  $\beta _{{\rm mag}}^{{\rm fin}}$ in parentheses.
Model type $t_{{\rm b}}$ $\rho _{{\rm b}}$ $A^{{\rm E}2}_{20}$ $A^{{\rm E}2}_{20; {\rm mag}}$ $A^{{\rm E}2}_{20; \infty }$ $\beta_{{\rm rot}}^{{\rm max}}$ $\beta_{{\rm mag}}^{{\rm max}} \
( \beta_{{\rm mag}}^{{\rm fin}} ) $ $t_{{\rm m}}$ $\beta_{{\rm mag},\phi}^{{\rm max}}$
    $[{\rm ms}]$ $[10^{14}\ {\rm\frac{g} {cm^3}}]$ $[{\rm cm}]$ $[{\rm cm}]$ $[{\rm cm}]$ $\%$ $\%$ $[{\rm ms}]$ $\%$
A1B1G3-D3M10 I 49.29 3.79 -308.8 0.0363 10 2.9 0.036! 117.5 0.036
A1B1G3-D3M11 I 49.29 3.79 -307.9 0.33 10 2.9 0.39! 96.1 0.38
A1B1G3-D3M12 I 49.29 3.79 -282.3 9.57 10 2.9 $0.74 \ (0.37)$ 64.7 0.62
A1B1G3-D3M13 I 50.46 3.74 -572.2 -111.2 130 2.6 $1.9 \ (1.4)$ 55.4 0.71
A1B3G1-D3M10 II 95.16 2.11 -1305 0.0028 90 10.8 $4.3\times 10^{-5}$! 129.5 $4.2\times 10^{-5}$
A1B3G1-D3M11 II 95.16 2.11 -1305 0.26 90 10.8 $4.7\times 10^{-3}$! 130.3 $4.5\times 10^{-3}$
A1B3G1-D3M12 II 95.23 2.11 -1297 15.3   10.7 0.42! 148.7 0.36
A1B3G1-D3M13 II 102.1 1.10! -900.6 59.6   7.6 2.2 115.0 1.1
A1B3G3-D3M10 I 48.62 3.40 -1037 0.0093 40 8.1 $2.0\times 10^{-3}$! 66.16 $2.0\times 10^{-3}$
A1B3G3-D3M11 I 48.62 3.40 -1037 0.85 40 8.1 0.048! 58.5 0.048
A1B3G3-D3M12 I 48.64 3.40 -1016 31.3 80 8.1 $1.1 \ (1.0)$ 71.3 0.85
A1B3G3-D3M13 I 49.68 3.41 -1344 191 420 7.0 $3.1 \ (2.1) $ 53.69 1.7
A1B3G5-D3M10 III 29.94 4.21 133.7 $-2.2\times 10^{-5}$ 16 3.5 $1.8\times 10^{-4}$! 48.33 $1.8\times 10^{-4}$
A1B3G5-D3M11 III 29.94 4.21 133.8 $-2.3\times 10^{-3}$ 16 3.5 0.017! 48.11 0.017
A1B3G5-D3M12 III 29.94 4.21 136.4 -0.38 5.5 3.5 6.3! 61.5 0.51
A1B3G5-D3M13 III 30.08 4.21 259 -52 18 3.2 $2.8 \ ( 1.8 )$ 33.84 1.1
A2B4G1-D3M10 II 99.87 0.114 -608.6 0.0014 10 11.8 $1.08\times 10^{-4}$! 215.6 $1.07\times 10^{-4}$
A2B4G1-D3M11 II 99.87 0.114 -608.6 0.13 10 11.8 $3.6\times 10^{-3}$! 153.6 $3.4\times 10^{-3}$
A2B4G1-D3M12 II 99.96 0.114 -606.3 7.1 10 11.8 0.19! 159.8 0.17
A2B4G1-D3M13 II 112.5 0.0685! -441.0 111.1 80 9.3 2.4! 147.1 1.4
A2B4G4-D3M10 I 39.77 2.79 -743.8 0.0017 0 15.3 $7.9\times 10^{-4}$! 74.8 $7.8\times 10^{-4}$
A2B4G4-D3M11 I 39.77 2.79 -743.7 0.17 0 15.3 0.062! 70.7 0.062
A2B4G4-D3M12 I 39.77 2.80 -742.3 14.83 100 15.3 0.79! 48.98 0.74
A2B4G4-D3M13 I 40.31 2.88! -720.1 370.1 400 13.9 $4.9 \ (4.4)$ 43.37 3.1
A2B4G5-D3M10 III 30.37 3.53 331.6 $2.0\times 10^{-4}$ -30 9.6 $1.6\times 10^{-4}$! 45.6 $1.6\times 10^{-4}$
A2B4G5-D3M11 III 30.37 3.53 331.7 $2.0\times 10^{-2}$ -30 9.6 0.03.6! 52.9 0.036
A2B4G5-D3M12 III 30.37 3.53! 331.3 1.7 25 9.6 $1.4 \ ( 1.3) $ 65.8 1.1
A2B4G5-D3M13 III 30.45 3.53! 338.1 -29.4 140 9.0 $5.2 \ (3.2)$ 37.6 2.6
A3B2G4-D3M10 I 39.15 3.45 -734.1 0.0011 10 9.1 $5.5\times 10^{-4}$! 58.4 $5.5\times 10^{-4}$
A3B2G4-D3M11 I 39.15 3.45 -734.1 0.11 10 9.1 0.051! 57.9 0.050
A3B2G4-D3M12 I 39.16 3.45 -726.2 9.6 16 9.1 1.0! 49.7 0.92
A3B2G4-D3M13 I 39.70 3.48! -626 39.94 250 8.0 $3.6 \ (3.0)$ 44.23 1.8
A3B3G3-D3M10 II/I 49.70 2.41 -1400 0.017 30 16 $1.3\times 10^{-3}$! 75.0 $1.2\times 10^{-3}$
A3B3G3-D3M11 II/I 49.70 2.41 -1401 1.5 30 16 0.18! 73.4 0.18
A3B3G3-D3M12 II/I 49.71 2.42! -1379 56 40 16 14! 71.1 11
A3B3G3-D1M13 II/I 49.79 2.39 -1400 2.2 40 16 0.49! 77.1 0.46
A3B3G3-D3M13 II/I 51.00 2.68! -1128 705 600 13.5 $5.3 \ (2.6)$ 52.9 3.1
A3B3G3-D0M13 II/I 50.41 2.48! -1339 204 600 15 $21 \ (7.4)$ 0.93 $2.4\times 10^{-4}$
A3B3G4-D3M10 I 39.64 2.86 -895.7 0.0021 -25 14.6 0.017! 145.8 0.017
A3B3G4-D3M11 I 39.64 2.86 -894.9 0.21 15 14.6 0.092! 69.7 0.092
A3B3G4-D3M12 I 39.65 2.86 -888.4 18.1 65 14.5 $1.3 \ (1.2)$ 52.4 1.1
A3B3G4-D3M13 I 40.14 2.96! -871.8 412.4 450 13.1 $4.8 \ (4.8)$ 43.0 2.9
A3B3G5-D3M10 III 30.35 3.47 262.5 $1.3\times 10^{-5}$ -30 9.6 $1.6\times 10^{-4}$! 44.3 $1.5\times 10^{-4}$
A3B3G5-D3M11 III 30.35 3.47 262.5 $1.3\times 10^{-3}$ -30 9.5 0.016! 44.29 0.01.6
A3B3G5-D0M12 III 30.34 3.58 332.1 -5.5 -50 9.5 0.70! 52.7 0.57
A3B3G5-D1M12 III 30.35 3.47 262.4 0.034 -10 9.5 0.12! 56.3 0.12
A3B3G5-D2M12 III 30.35 3.47! 261.6 0.47 -25 9.5 1.0 45.01 0.93
A3B3G5-D3M12 III 30.35 3.47! 264.3 -.079 -7.5 9.5 1.6! 61.9 1.4
A3B3G5-D4M12 III 30.35 3.47! 262.0 -1.6 -3 9.5 1.0! 64.0 0.85
A3B3G5-D3M13 III 30.56 3.47! 343 -31.9 130 8.9 $5.1 \ (3.1)$ 37.4 2.5
A4B5G5-D3M10 I/II 30.80 1.97 -4141 0.0070 140 34.6 $3.3\times 10^{-4}$! 64.0 $3.2\times 10^{-4}$
A4B5G5-D3M11 I/II 30.80 1.97 -4140 0.69 140 34.6 0.022! 57.6 0.021
A4B5G5-D3M12 I/II 30.79 2.00 -4101 43.6 140 34.5 0.60! 32.1 0.52
A4B5G5-D3M13 I/II 30.93 2.10! -3473 1225 1900 34.5 $11.1 \ (6.2)$ 36.2 7.0

Source LaTeX | All tables | In the text