Table 2: Parametrisation of the initial magnetic fields for the models of series AaBbGg-DdMm by the radius of the field generating current loop centered at  $r_{{\rm mag}}$ (parametrized by d = 1, 2, 3, 4, 0) and the field strength in the core's center $B_0=\sqrt {4\pi }b_0$ (parametrized by m = 10, 11, 12, 13). For models AaBbGg-D0Mm the field generating current loop is located at infinity yielding a uniform magnetic field throughout the entire core.
Model $r_{{\rm mag}} \ [{\rm km}]$ Model $b_0 \ [{\rm G}]$
D1 100 M10 1010
D2 200 M11 1011
D3 400 M12 1012
D4 800 M13 1013
D0 $\infty$    

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