Figure 1: Full resolution (HPBW ) total intensity map of NGC 4594 at 6.2 cm superimposed on the optical photograph of the DSS. The contours are 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.15, 0.3, 1, 6, 20, 50, and 90 mJy/beam. The rms noise in the map is Jy/beam. The orientation of the "vectors'' gives the observed electric field rotated by , their length is proportional to the observed linearly polarized intensity. The half-power beamwidth is indicated in the bottom left corner. | |
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Figure 2: Total intensity map of NGC 4594 at cm observed with the 100-m Effelsberg telescope, superimposed on the optical photograph of the DSS. The contours are 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20,...80, 90 mJy/beam. The rms noise in the map is 0.5 mJy/beam. The orientation of the "vectors'' gives the observed electric field rotated by , their length is proportional to the observed linearly polarized intensity. The half-power beamwidth is . | |
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Figure 3: Total intensity map of the disk emission of NGC 4594 (the central source has been subtracted) at full resolution (HPBW ) at cm superimposed on the optical photograph of the DSS. The contours are 30, 60, 100, 150, 250, and 350 Jy/beam. Further notation is as in Fig. 1. | |
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Figure 4: Brightness profile along the major axis of NGC 4594 of the cm observations of Bajaja et al. (1988) with a), and along our map at cm smoothed to b). The central source was subtracted in both maps before making the profile. | |
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Figure 5: Full resolution (HPBW ) map of the linear polarization of NGC 4594 at cm superimposed on the optical photograph of the DSS. The contours are 20, 30, 40, ... Jy/beam. The rms noise in the map is Jy/beam. The orientation of the "vectors'' gives the observed electric field rotated by as in Figs. 1 and 3, (only their extension is slightly smaller as they are plotted up to the first contour of PI). The length of the vectors is proportional to the degree of linear polarization which is between 20% and 30% in the region of strong linear polarization. The half-power beamwidth is indicated in the bottom left corner. | |
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Figure 6: Linearly polarized intensity of NGC 4594 at cm observed with the 100-m Effelsberg telescope, superimposed on the optical photograph of the DSS. The contours contours are 160, 250, 350, and 450 Jy/beam. The rms noise in the map is 95 Jy/beam. The orientation of the "vectors'' gives the observed electric field rotated by , their lengths is proportional to the observed linearly polarized intensity. The half-power beamwidth is . | |
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Figure 7: Radio continuum map of NGC 4594 at m observed with the HHT on Mt. Graham. The map is centered on the nucleus of NGC 4594, with relative positions given in arcsec. The greyscale gives the intensity in mJy/beam. The rms noise in the map is 45 mJy/beam at a linear resolution of HPBW. | |
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Figure 8: Smoothed map (HPBW ) of the total disk emission of NGC 4594 at cm superimposed on the optical photograph of the DSS. The contours are 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, ... Jy/beam. The orientation of the "vectors'' gives the intrinsic magnetic field orientation, their length is proportional to the linearly polarized intensity at cm. | |
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Figure 9: The FIR-to-mm spectrum of NGC 4594. The FIR data points (IRAS) at m are taken from Young et al. (1989), the m value is the upper limit for the disk emission from our HHT observations. The solid line shows a fit for a standard dust model (two modidied Planck curves with ). | |
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