Table 2: First iteration of orbital parameters of BAT129. The parameters published by Foellmi et al. (2003b) are also shown for comparison.
Parameter Foellmi et al. 2003b This study
P (days) 2.7687 $\pm$ 0.0002 2.7689 (fixed)
$K_{\rm WR}$ (km s-1) 398 $\pm$ 7 318 $\pm$ 7
$K_{\rm O}$ (km s-1) - 174 $\pm$ 7
e 0.082 $\pm$ 0.022 0. (fixed)
E0 (HJD- 2 451 100.0) 820.47 $\pm$ 0.09 846.4468 $\pm$ 0.009
$\gamma $ (km s-1) 245 $\pm$ 15 270 $\pm$ 5
$\omega$ ($^\circ$) 342 $\pm$ 12 270 (fixed)
$a_{\rm WR}\sin~i$ ($R_{\odot}$) - 17.5 $\pm$ 0.5
$a_{\rm O}\sin~i$ ($R_{\odot}$) - 9.5 $\pm$ 0.6
$\sigma$(O-C)$_{\rm WR}$ (km s-1) - 39
$\sigma$(O-C)$_{\rm O}$ (km s-1) - 17

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