Figure 1: Top panel: mean spectrum of data from Foellmi et al. (2003b). Bottom panel: EMMI mean spectrum. In this spectrum, the emission-line and absorption-line profiles are clearly resolved. | |
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Figure 2: MACHO light curve of BAT129, as described in Foellmi et al. (2003b), with the new value of E0. MACHO instrumental magnitudes were transformed to obtain a mean magnitude outside the eclipse of 14.92 (Breysacher et al. 1999). The phases at which EMMI spectra were obtained are indicated by vertical lines. Full lines indicate spectra from the second dataset, whereas dashed lines indicate spectra from the third dataset. | |
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Figure 3: Final (adopted) circular orbital solution including all 3 sets of RVs. Squares: RVs of emission lines (dataset 1). Triangles: RVs of emission lines (datasets 2 and 3). Circles: RVs of absorption lines (datasets 2 and 3). | |
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Figure 4: Individual spectra of the WR and O components. The WR spectrum has been shifted vertically by 0.1, while keeping the same scale. | |
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Figure 5: Top figure: EW of absorption lines measured on the extracted O-star spectra. Bottom figure: EW of emission lines measured on the extracted WR spectra, including the WR absorption features. Note that panels of the two figures do not have the same vertical scale. | |
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Figure 6: From left to right: montage of H, HeII4200, H and HeII4686 from the WR component plus the WWC emission. All spectra were shifted to the WR rest-frame. For HeII4686 we used a reduction scale factor of 15. In the first 3 figures, the mean position of the absorption line is indicated with a dashed gray line. | |
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Figure 7: Velocities of the WR absorption and emission lines obtained from the positions of the double Gaussian fits, versus orbital phase. The positions are compared to the rest wavelength of the corresponding line. For the H+He blends, the simple average of the rest wavelengths has been taken. Filled squares: absorption lines. Open circles: emission lines. The crosses indicate the orbital RVs of the O-star in the WR frame. | |
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Figure 8: O-star spectrum obtained by a separation process on the spectra of dataset 1. The inset shows the region around the two lines HeII 4471 and HeI 4542 used for classification. | |
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Figure 9: WR spectrum obtained by a separation process on the spectra of dataset 1. The line is used to show the Pickering emission-line decrement, leading to a moderate (h) presence of hydrogen in the WN spectral type. | |
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