All Tables
- Table 1:
General properties of J1101+7225.
- Table 2:
Details of the observing schedule of the EVN
observation with eight antennae of J1101+7225.
- Table 3:
Measured radio flux densities or peak brightnesses of J1101+7225,
obtained with single-dish telescopes, local interferometers, and VLBI. The VLBI flux densities are our fitted core flux densities as presented in Tables 5 and 7.
- Table 4:
The published single-dish flux densities at 5 GHz
to investigate the source variability.
(1) observed at 4.9 GHz and corrected to 5 GHz via a
spectral index
(2) at 4.85 GHz; (3) at 4.75 GHz; (a): Kühr et al. (1981); (b): Gregory et al. (1996); (c): Gregory & Condon (1991); (d): Reich et al. (2000).
- Table 5:
The best fit Gaussians as mentioned in the
text. a labels the major axis of elliptical Gaussians. A, B1, and B2 were
only fitted by circular Gaussians, because the locations of components of lower
flux density can be fitted more reliably with less degrees of
freedom. The flux density errors are

the uncertainties of the
location, and size of the Gaussians range between 0.2-0.5 of the
beamsize depending on the respective flux density.
- Table 6:
The angular distances between the core and the fitted Gaussian jet components (or their flux density weighted mean; cf. text). The errors reflect uncertainties in the fitting process and increase with decreasing component flux density, while derivation of the apparent velocities is
described in the text. The position angles of the components did not change significantly during the observing epochs and were omitted. In the last column the read out values from a map by B02 are given for comparison, but cannot be included in the calculations due to lack of a Gaussian model fit.
- Table 7:
The best fit circular Gaussians of the 5 GHz data over four epochs. The flux density errors are

and the uncertainties of the
location and size of the Gaussians range between 0.2-0.5 of the
beam size depending on the respective flux density.
- Table 8:
The radio values characterize the compact core at 5 GHz as discussed in Sect. 3.4. The turn-over properties are mean values of the model fits in Table 7. The cut-off frequency
of the synchrotron spectrum is extrapolated from the optical-radio spectrum. The right column gives the calculated values.