Table 2: Cooling length of a radiative shock for gas with a ratio of specific heats, $\gamma =5/3$, and cooling exponent, $\alpha =0$. $L_{\rm c}'$ in appropriate units can be obtained by multiplying by the numerical values of $\bar{m} k/\Lambda_{0}$ (note that in this work we also specify that $\rho _{0}=1$ and v0=1). There is convergence in the value of $x_{\rm b}$ as M increases.
M $L_{\rm c}'$ $x_{\rm b}$ $L_{\rm c}$
1.40 0.171 0.545 9.294E-02
2.00 5.966E-02 0.685 4.087E-02
3.00 2.716E-02 0.748 2.032E-02
5.00 1.633E-02 0.769 1.256E-02
10.0 1.278E-02 0.776 9.917E-03
20.0 1.198E-02 0.777 9.307E-03
40.0 1.178E-02 0.778 9.167E-03

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