Table 3: Apsidal motion elements of V539 Ara, GG Lup, V526 Sgr and AO Vel.

Unit V539 Ara GG Lup V526 Sgr AO Vel

HJD 24 45056.7459 (7) 24 46136.7448 (1) 24 47739.6517 (2) 24 45043.6700 (3)
$P_{\rm s}$ days 3.1690854 (12) 1.8495996 (15) 1.91941177 (8) 1.5846212 (7)
$P_{\rm a}$ days 3.1692552 (12) 1.8496919 (15) 1.91947680 (8) 1.5847476 (7)
e   0.0548 (15) 0.1546 (10) 0.2204 (4) 0.0735 (6)
$\dot{\omega}$ deg $\:\rm {cycle^{-1}}$ 0.0193 (10) 0.0180 (5) 0.01219 (3) 0.0287 (3)
$\dot{\omega}$ deg $\:\rm {yr^{-1}}$ 2.22 (0.1) 3.54 (10) 2.320 (6) 6.61 (10)
$\omega_0$ deg 118.9 (1.2) 86.12 (0.15) 254.9 (0.1) 97.1 (0.1)
U years 161.8 (8.1) 101.6 (1.0) 155.2 (0.2) 54.4 (0.5)

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