Table 1: Summary of the RXTE observations used in this paper. PCA count rates represent count rates only from the upper layer of the PCU2 detector. HEXTE count rates are the count rates from one (of the two) clusters of detectors.
Source Exp. PCA (3-20 keV) HEXTE (18-60 keV)
  ks count s-1 count s-1
V1223 Sgr 90 13.31 $\pm $  0.01 0.88 $\pm $ 0.03
FO Aqr 85 5.6 $\pm $ 0.01 0.27 $\pm $ 0.03
EX Hya 169 10.21 $\pm $ 0.01 0.24 $\pm $ 0.02
AO Psc 54 6.11 $\pm $ 0.01 0.12 $\pm $ 0.03
TVCol 86 6.50 $\pm $ 0.01 0.31 $\pm $ 0.02
GK Per 22 32.10 $\pm $ 0.04 3.70 $\pm $ 0.04
V709 Cas 36 7.40 $\pm $ 0.02 0.41 $\pm $ 0.04
PQ Gem 67 2.94 $\pm $ 0.01 0.10 $\pm $ 0.03
V2400 Oph 221 12.43 $\pm $ 0.01 0.30 $\pm $ 0.01
BG CMi 111 2.87 $\pm $ 0.01 0.16 $\pm $ 0.02
V405 Aur 26 2.99 $\pm $ 0.01 0.20 $\pm $ 0.04
V1062 Tau 35 3.52 $\pm $ 0.01 0.26 $\pm $ 0.03
DO Dra 28 35.78 $\pm $ 0.01 0.71 $\pm $ 0.04
TX Col 127 1.62 $\pm $ 0.01 0.08 $\pm $ 0.02

Source LaTeX | All tables | In the text