Table 2: Chip specifications.
  1.23 m CAHA 1.52 m OAN 2.5 m WFC-INT 1 m JKT
Type: SiTe2b TK1024AB 4$\times$ EEVi42-80 SiTe2
Dimensions: $2048 \times 2048$ $1024 \times 1024$ $4 \times 2048 \times 4100$ $2048 \times 2048$
Pixel size: $24~\mu =0.4 \hbox{$^{\prime\prime}$ }$ $24~\mu =0.4 \hbox{$^{\prime\prime}$ }$ $13.5~\mu = 0.33 \hbox{$^{\prime\prime}$ }$ $24~\mu = 0.33 \hbox{$^{\prime\prime}$ }$
Field of view: $10^{\prime} \times\-10^{\prime}$ $6^{\prime}\llap{.}9\times6^{\prime}\llap{.}9$ $34.2^{\prime}\times34.2^{\prime}$ $10^{\prime}\-\times\-10^{\prime}$
Gain: 2.6e-/ADU 6.55e-/ADU 2.8 e-/ADU 1.41e-/ADU
Read-out noise: 6.0 e- 6.4 e- 7.7 e- 7.5 e-
Dymamic range: 65553 65536 65000 65000
Typical bias level: 154 470 1623 625
Overscan region: right top right-top-left top-right

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