Table 2: Comparison between present (RM1) and earlier (RM2: Aggarwal 1992) results of effective collision strengths for transitions within the levels of the (1s22s22p2) ground configuration of Ca XV. ( $a\pm b\equiv {a}\times {10}^{{\pm }b}$).
$\log~ T_{\rm e}$ 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 K
Transition I-J RM1 RM2 RM1 RM2 RM1 RM2
3P0-3P1 1-2 2.387-1 1.679-1 1.258-1 1.743-1 3.885-2 3.872-2
3P0-3P2 1-3 6.914-2 1.211-1 5.799-2 2.430-1 2.780-2 5.157-2
3P0-1D2 1-4 4.855-2 4.178-2 2.573-2 2.187-2 1.225-2 7.742-3
3P0-1S0 1-5 8.017-3 1.327-2 5.628-3 7.203-3 3.231-3 1.493-3
3P1-3P2 2-3 3.911-1 5.386-1 4.647-1 8.777-1 1.372-1 1.911-1
3P1-1D2 2-4 1.665-1 1.555-1 9.944-2 9.186-2 4.981-2 3.181-2
3P1-1S0 2-5 2.269-2 3.104-2 1.822-2 1.797-2 1.041-2 4.974-3
3P2-1D2 3-4 3.926-1 3.899-1 2.455-1 3.602-1 1.102-1 1.001-1
3P2-1S0 3-5 2.339-2 4.975-2 2.262-2 3.220-2 1.462-2 9.405-3
1D2-1S0 4-5 2.023-1 2.105-1 1.052-1 9.690-2 5.912-2 4.982-2

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