A&A 406, 175 (2003)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20030797
J. Bernard-Salas1,2 - S. R. Pottasch2 - D. A. Beintema1 - P. R. Wesselius1
1 - SRON Laboratory for Space Research, PO Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
2 - Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, PO Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
A&A 367, 949-958 (2001), DOI:10.1051/0004-6361:20000435
Key words: ISM: abundances - planetary nebulae: individual: NGC7027 - infrared: ISM: lines and bands - errata, addenda
Wavelength | Ident. | Measured | Dereddened |
(nm) | Fluxes1 | Intensities1 | |
123.83 | N V | 0.12 | 240 |
140.06 | O IV | 0.61 | 271 |
148.50 | N IV] | 0.70 | 415 |
154.83 | C IV | 20.80 | 12100 |
157.57 | [Ne V] | 0.21 | 17.4 |
164.20 | He II | 5.00 | 2700 |
174.95 | N III] | 0.62 | 275 |
189.20 | Si III] | 0.17 | 87.5 |
190.67 | C III] | 4.23 | 2300 |
190.88 | C III] | 6.85 | 3700 |
232.55 | C II | 0.61 | 526 |
232.75 | C II | 0.48 | 411 |
242.14 | [Ne IV] | 1.32 | 609 |
242.45 | [Ne IV] | 0.43 | 198 |
278.23 | [Mg V] | 0.83 | 98.4 |
334.68 | [Ne V] | 700 | |
342.68 | [Ne V] | 2100 | |
372.62 | [O II] | 5.98 | 220 |
372.88 | [O II] | 2.19 | 80.2 |
386.98 | [Ne III] | 43.34 | 1500 |
396.86 | [Ne III] | 15.56 | 500 |
436.44 | [O III] | 13.36 | 340 |
447.10 | He I | 1.90 | 45.4 |
468.60 | He II | 32.3 | 660 |
471.14 | [Ar IV] | 1.91 | 38.1 |
474.00 | [Ar IV] | 6.74 | 131.7 |
486.10 | H | 75.9 | 1360 |
493.26 | [O III] | 0.17 | 2.9 |
496.03 | [O III] | 388.61 | 6400 |
500.82 | [O III] | 1178.73 | 19000 |
551.70 | [Cl III] | 0.20 | 2.23 |
553.80 | [Cl III] | 0.77 | 8.6 |
658.40 | [N II] | 202.65 | 1500 |
671.63 | [S II] | 3.57 | 24.1 |
673.10 | [S II] | 8.20 | 56 |
857.70 | [Cl II] | 1.01 | 3.6 |
1 Units: .
In this paper we complemented the infrared spectrum with published ultraviolet and optical data to derive abundances. We found some mistakes in Table3 which affect the ultraviolet fluxes. We present here the correct Table3. These corrected ultraviolet fluxes imply the following changes: (1) The temperature of the O IV is now 14500 and better matches the trend (solid line) in Fig.3 of the article. That of Mg V is 13000K, slightly lower than the erroneous value. This last deviation does not alter any ionic abundance because at high ionization potentials only infrared lines (which are not temperature dependent) are used to derive the abundances. (2) The abundances of silicon, nitrogen and carbon should be 6.0(-6), 1.5(-4) and 5.2(-4) respectively and not 6.2(-6), 1.6(-4) and 6.0(-4) as published. Since the error on the abundances is 30%, none of these erratum change any main conclusion of the paper. The authors regret these mistakes.
As minor details; in Fig.1 (top-panel) there is a line at 4.48 m that has been labeled as H I but is [Mg IV]. In Table2 the 3.625 m lines is identified as a blend of H I transitions, 6-20 and 6-19, but is probably due to Zn IV (see Dinerstein & Geballe 2001).