Table 3: Coefficients of the general relation $<K> = a ~ {\rm Log} P_{\rm o} + b$. Values in parentheses are the uncertainties; "int'' and "mag'' indicate where intensity- and magnitude-weighted average magnitudes respectively have been used.
Region Gradient $_{\rm int}$ Zero point $_{\rm int}$ Gradient $_{\rm mag}$ Zero point $_{\rm mag}$ Comment
  a b a b  
Inner -2.42 (0.16) 14.04 (0.05) -2.40 (0.17) 14.04 (0.05) this study
Outer - - -2.38 (0.15) 13.93 (0.04) new analysis of L90 data, excluding Blazhko variables
Outer - - -2.35 (0.14) 13.95 (0.04) new analysis of L90 data, including Blazhko variables
Outer - - -2.35 (0.15) 13.95 (0.04) L90 included Blazhko variables

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