Table 2: Relevant details for nine variable stars from CC02 in the $K_{\rm PC1}$ field.
ID Epoch Period Type < K > A(K) A(B)
  (JD) (days)   (mag) (mag) (mag)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
v192 2449090.225 0.49790 ? 12.44$^{\rm b}$ - -
v193 2449090.327 0.74784 RRab 14.35 $0.34\pm0.01$ 1.6$^d\pm0.1$
v201 2449090.133 0.59408 RRab 14.73 $0.34\pm0.01$ 1.6$^d\pm0.1$
v221 2449090.125 0.378752 RRc 14.77 $0.27\pm0.03$ $0.75 \pm 0.3$
v241 2449090.014 0.59408 RRab 14.58 $0.28\pm 0.03$ $1.0\pm 0.3$
v252 2449090.157 0.50155 RRab 14.64 $0.33\pm0.03$ $1.5\pm 0.3$
v253 - 0.33161 RRc 14.89 $0.27\pm0.03$ $0.75 \pm 0.3$
v262 - 0.5647$^{\rm a}$ - 14.41$^{\rm c}$ $0.29\pm0.03$ $1.1 \pm 0.3$
v264 2448755.093 0.35649 RRc 14.88 $0.27\pm0.03$ $0.75 \pm 0.3$
Inner region variable stars.
Column (1) ID. V241 and V252 are X17 and KG4 respectively in CC01/CC02; (2) Julian date from CC02; (3) Periods. All from CC02 except $^{\rm a}$ Strader et al. (2002); (4) RR Lyrae type from CC02; (5) Intensity-weighted K-band magnitude, $\sigma_{K} = \pm0.03$ mag (random), plus $\pm $0.05 (systematic) or $\pm $0.058 mag combined; $^{\rm b}$ ignored as it is an outlier. No J96 correction applied as the magnitude is inconsistent with an RR Lyrae star; $^{\rm c}$ is an ignored outlier in Fig. 5 (top-left). (6) Expected K-band amplitudes determined by applying Eq. (7) of J96.; (7) $^{\rm d}$ from CC01. A conservative error has been adopted. Other A(B) values were taken with conservative errors from the CC01 A(B) - period graph, their Fig. 9.

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