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Article Contents
1 Introduction
2 Linear perturbations of pressure, entropyand vorticity in the Bondi flow
3 Acoustic waves in the Bondi flow:The refraction cut-off
4 Acoustic efficiency of entropy and vorticity perturbations
5 Conclusions
Appendix A Description of the unperturbed Bondi flow
Appendix B Linearized equationsfor perturbations
Appendix C Approximations of the homogeneous solution
Appendix D Acoustic efficiencies ${\cal Q}_{\mathsf S}, {\cal Q}_{\mathsf K}$ of entropy and vorticity perturbations
Appendix E Asymptotic estimate of $\vert{\cal Q}_{\mathsf S}\vert,\vert{\cal Q}_{\mathsf K}\vert$at high frequency for $\vec \gamma$ = 5/3

Copyright ESO 2001
Published by EDP Sciences